February 25th


Engage in dynamic games and exercises fostering teamwork, trust, and spontaneity in a supportive environment. Embrace failure as you develop your ability to stay present and seize the unexpected.

Coach Ariel Rak studied and performed short and long form improv with Magnet Theater (NYC) and the N.J. School of Dramatic Arts and was a member of ComedySportz before moving to Midland. Ages 18+


Tuesdays (+ two Thursdays) / 6:30 – 8:30 pm / February 25, Thurs. Feb. 27, (No class 3/4), Thurs. March 6, (no class 3/11), Tuesdays, March 18, 25 / $70

You don't need to be funny... you just need to jump into character!

Take your improv journey to the next level! Build on the foundations of level I and dive into improvised scene work - the heart of improv. Through engaging exercises, we'll develop characters, highlight relationships, and craft meaningful (and hilarious) scenes together. Strengthen your ability to "Yes, And..." by actively agreeing with and building on your teammates' ideas in a supportive and playful environment. This class is perfect for honing creativity, collaboration, and adaptability. Prerequisites: Improv level 1 or instructor approval.

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